Data Buoys
We offer a complete range of Data Buoy platforms suitable for a wide range of applications used by oil and gas companies, research institutes and survey organisations.
Our Data Buoy platforms are available from Ø1250 up to Ø3000mm diameter, each buoy has its own customisable daymark tower. The data buoy daymark can be customised to meet the customer specific requirements for mounting the necessary instrumentation required such as meteorological sensors, environmental monitoring sensors, communication system and data loggers ETC
We have a range of standard data buoys available which are fitted with a range of sensors, data loggers, power systems and communications.
Standard buoy available:
- Wave Monitoring (Height and Direction)
- Environmental Monitoring (Turbidity / Hydrocarbon ETC)
- Meteorological Monitoring (Wind Speed & Direction, Barometric pressure, Temperature, Humidity ETC)
Communication available
- Satellite