Ø1250mm Gannet Navigation Buoys
The G1200 Navigation buoy has a large visual daymark with a nominal focal height of 2 meters.
Home / Aids To Navigation / Marine Navigation Buoys / Ø1250mm – 2200mm Gannet Navigation Buoys
The Gannet range has a modular buoy design, manufactured from marine grade (UV stabilised) virgin polyethylene. The buoy has a unique central core steel arrangement which supports the float sections and connects the lifting eyes to the mooring eyes ensuring superior strength and durability.
The G1200 Navigation buoy has a large visual daymark with a nominal focal height of 2 meters.
The G1500 Navigation buoy has a large visual daymark with a nominal focal height of 2.3 Meters.
The G1800 Navigation buoy has a large visual daymark with a Nominal Focal Height of 2.5 Meters.
The G2200 Navigation buoy has a large visual daymark with a Nominal Focal Height of 3.6 Meters.