NAV01 Ø600mm Navigation Buoys
The NAV01 navigation buoy is used for shallow water installations ideal for marking temporary construction areas and racing marks.
Home / Aids To Navigation / Marine Navigation Buoys / Ø600mm – 1200mm Navigation Buoys
We manufacture a comprehensive range of polyethylene navigation buoys which are designed to offer easy installation and provide a low maintenance cost solution to marine navigation. These products are successfully being used to mark Port entrances, shipping channels, hazardous waters, wind farms, aquaculture sites and a variety of other marine installations.
The NAV01 navigation buoy is used for shallow water installations ideal for marking temporary construction areas and racing marks.
The NAV03 is a small and lightweight cone or can shape navigation buoy which provide a highly visible solution with a nominal focal height of 900mm.
The NAV02 navigation buoy is ideal for marking temporary construction areas, racing marks, safe water channels, outfalls and aquaculture sites.